Chi Energy & Its Positive Side Effects
The chi energy may reveal itself during its development in a number of different side effects.
Further into its development, the chi will manifest itself in the saliva, making it very sweet. When this occurs, do not spit out, but swallow it down gently.
Strength: Increased Prowess, Sudden Feats of Strength
Every one of us have heard of a mother suddenly developing phenomenal strength and ripping open a door of a burning car in the attempt of saving her child from impending danger.
Phenomenal strength is but a common side effect of the vital life force manifesting itself in times of need. Relaxation, the tapping of the higher consciousness and the channeling of a well-developed chi through yi is enough to trigger the effect.
When the chi and yi reaches higher levels of advancement, one gradually gains control of the ability to manifest the life force at will.
Heightened Perception
Increased acuity of one or more of the five senses is very common. When I began to detoxify through intensive training, I developed a very acute sense of taste and smell.
As a young student, I was accustomed to making my way across town by bus, but became very easily distracted by the close proximity of the passengers and their individual body odors!
In addition, my family often marvels how acute my sense of taste is, as I can detect slight changes in flavors several days before foods actually begin to spoil!
In other instances, I have often taken students to nearby parks to practice their tai chi qigong outdoors. Though I may be as distant from them as a hundred yards or meters, I can still pick out conversations and questions directed at me in low undertones.
Other senior students have also remarked on the sudden increased acuity of sight, with distant objects suddenly zooming up clearly into focus when they direct their attention on them.
Repetitive Broken Bones
If you have suffered broken bones before, chances are that your healing chi energy will break and heal them again in order to realign the break properly. Some of my senior students have experienced this phenomenon on a number of different occasions.
Usually the broken bone heals very quickly — within days of the break. And when these students volunteer to get x-rays of the healed bone, they find the healing life force has aligned the bone so well, that they cannot even find the line of the break!
Flowery Fragrance
Very advanced practitioners will often find their body emitting a flowery fragrance, as the refined chi energy transforms even their own body odor. Some can even manifest this fragrance at will.