Eye Exercises & Vision Therapy Programs
At last… inexpensive vision therapy programs with qigong eye exercises to meet all your individual vision needs! So many people have been emailing me asking for these programs.
I have posted two pages of sample lessons on qigong eye exercises and eye care, and the response has been overwhelming, to say the least. Some of you wrote how amazed you were on the immediate results you got from these exercises; others have written, asking me when I could provide programs for different eye conditions.
It’s been a long several months of writing up these programs, and I thank you all for your patience. Here are the ecourses, individually tailored to address different eye conditions.
I know current market prices average hundreds of dollars for vision therapy programs, because they are quite extensive in content and are so effective. However, I’m deliberately pricing these ecourses very low, as promised, so that more people can benefit from them, as I and many of my students have.
These are well-tried, well-proven eye exercises and preventive, natural eye care practices that have existed for thousands of years, and that so few Westerners know about.
Depending on the following factors, improvement or complete healing can take anywhere from several weeks to several months or even a few years!
- age
- general state of health
- whether you’ve had previous eye surgeries
- current lifestyle habits
- the eye condition/ailment
- length of time with this condition
- extent of eye damage
- severity of condition
Generally, most people with myopia, double vision, hyperopia, astigmatism, even legal blindness, can expect most of the improvement to occur within six months to a year. For general eye strain, it takes only a day to three days to begin noticing results. It is much harder to predict for all other eye conditions.
However, keep in mind, these programs CANNOT work in isolation: they should be practiced in conjunction with other qigong exercises on a regular basis. The more advanced you are and the more intensive the practice, the faster the improvement. For more information, you can visit my page on how qigong vision therapy addresses different eye conditions.
Since most of these programs are very lengthy and detailed, it is recommended that you print them out and refer to them from time to time. Forgetting or missing out on any important detail can significantly affect the level of progress you could make.
Most of these programs contain anywhere from ten to twenty eye exercises, in addition to other eye care techniques. Sounds like a lot, but most of them take only a few minutes to practice and can be easily incorporated into short breaks, work and leisure activities.
Practice them while you are reading, waiting in line, driving, watching television or working around the house or at the office. But be sure to practice them every day for long-term results.
Some of the eye exercises, such as palming, or the general eye care tips may overlap in different programs, but that is another reason I’ve kept the prices so low.
For example, if you suffer from both astigmatism and myopia, you will have to take both programs to treat each of these conditions. A few of the exercises may overlap, but you should incorporate all of the exercises to treat both conditions.
I have deliberately separated the programs for several reasons:
- to keep the vision therapy ecourses shorter and more manageable;
- to better address each eye condition;
- to make them more affordable, given the length of the program.
These eye exercises are very easy to learn and therefore, can be practiced by both adults and children.
These programs have only one prerequisite: qigong diaphragmatic breathing, making them suitable for even the beginning qigong student. However, for optimal results, it is highly recommended that you practice them in conjunction with regular practice of tai chi qigong, a minimum of twenty minutes to half an hour a day.
Please do not register for several ecourses at once. I know some of you are very impatient to get started and eager to see results, but qigong does not work well that way.
Learning several exercises simultaneously will not result in faster improvements, but may overwhelm you and make mastery of any one program more difficult. I would recommend taking only one or two courses at a time; learn those well first before taking on others.
Secondly, well-being and safety should be of primary concern. As with all qigong exercises, you are working with the physical body and mind: every time you practice, the chi energy will flush out toxins from your system.
If you overdo on these exercises in any single sitting, you overwhelm your system and risk unwanted side effects. That is why I divide large courses into several ebooks. Each ebook is designed to imitate a classroom lesson just like if you were attending a qigong class in person.
Even if you try to learn the entire ecourse in one sitting, you will not master all of its contents in one day. But at least with the ebooks taken separately, the danger of your experiencing side effects from trying too many exercises in any one sitting will be minimized.
While I am confident qigong vision therapy works well when practiced with other tai chi qigong exercises, in the past some students have experienced mixed results when practicing vision therapy in isolation. For more information on how to optimize your results with these programs, I recommend you also read Do’s & Don’ts of Qigong Eye Care.
And lastly, I wish to remind everyone of the inherent risks and dangers that, like any physical exercise, tai chi qigong has. Please read the Disclaimer before attempting any exercises provided on this website.
Clicking on the following will take you to the course descriptions of selected programs:
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Jiaqiang Shili, For Building Weak Eyes
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Yanpilao, For Treating Tired Eyes & Eye Strain
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Jin Shi Yan, For Treating Myopia or Nearsightedness
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Shan Guang, For Treating Astigmatism
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Yuan Shi Yan, For Treating Hyperopia or Farsightedness
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Baineizhang, For Treating Cataracts
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Xie Shi Yan, Fu Shi Yan Gen Ruo shi Yan, For Treating Lazy Eye, Double Vision and Crossed Eyes
- Adaptations for Children
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Yanpilao or Qigong Vision Therapy For Treating Tired Eyes & Eye Strain $19.95
Four ecourse instalments are emailed, one every second day, totalling six exercises, as well as additional eye care techniques — make this eye condition very easy to treat. Expect immediate improvements and for more severe cases, rapid recovery within two or three days.If you are new to qigong, you will also need the co-requisite Taiji Qigong Shibashi or 18 Postures of Tai Chi Chi Kung with this program. Do NOT use this to treat more serious eye conditions, such as myopia, astigmatism, etc. See below for other eye exercise programs.
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Jiaqiang Shili or Qigong Vision Therapy For Building Weak Eyes $19.95
This program is NOT recommended for specific eye conditions such as myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia. It is more for failing eyes such as in presbyopia or conditions where the eye muscles have been weakened due to prolonged or debilitating illness, fever, eye infections or eye strain. For all other eye conditions, see below.Four ebooks are emailed. Expect results within a few days, but you will require long-term practice of at least four to six months for more permanent results.
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Jin Shi Yan or Qigong Vision Therapy For Treating Myopia or Nearsightedness $39.95
Seven ebooks of twelve different sets of qigong exercises plus additional eye care techniques make this eye condition relatively easy to treat. Immediate improvements can be quite dramatic.However, you will need to practice regularly for several months for long-term results. For legal blindness with myopia, it is strongly recommended you include at least a half hour to one hour of intensive supplementary qigong practice in addition to this program.
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Shan Guang or Qigong Vision Therapy For Treating Astigmatism $34.95
Seven ebooks of ten different sets of exercises, in addition to other eye care techniques are used to treat this very common ailment.Either a minimum six month intensive qigong practice is necessary or a co-requisite of Taiji Qigong Shibashi or 18 Postures of Tai Chi Chi Kung is highly recommended to ensure the effectiveness of this treatment.
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Yuan Shi Yan or Qigong Vision Therapy For Treating Hyperopia or Farsightedness $44.95
Expect fourteen sets of eye exercises, plus additional techniques in preventive and natural eye care incorporated in seven ebooks.For legal blindness with hyperopia, it is strongly recommended you include at least a half hour to one hour of intensive supplementary qigong practice in addition to this program.
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Baineizhang or Qigong Vision Therapy For Treating Cataracts $45.95
Seven ebooks of fourteen sets of lessons makes this a very effective program for improving cataract conditions and even reversing some of its severity.Six months of intensive practice in other tai chi qigong exercises or a co-requisite of Taiji Qigong Shibashi or 18 Postures of Tai Chi Chi Kung is required to ensure the effectiveness of this program. Other co-requisites are Taiji Bufa or Tai Chi Walk and Zhan Zhuang Jinggong or Qigong Standing Meditation Postures.
- Shili Tiaozheng Qigong Liaofa: Xie Shi Yan, Fu Shi Yan Gen Ruo Shi Yan or Qigong Vision Therapy For Treating Lazy Eye, Double Vision and Crossed Eyes
Seven ebooks incorporates all the exercises to treat these conditions. Also includes additional techniques in prevented and natural eye care. Be sure to invest at 15 to 30 minutes of practice at least twice a day. - Adapting Qigong Vision Therapy Programs for Children $19.95
This is an information package that is complementary to any vision therapy program you wish to adapt for use for your child. This ecourse is not meant to be independent of other eye care programs; alone, it will NOT serve the purpose for which it was originally designed.Before registering for this ecourse, you should first register for the program that specifically addresses your child’s eye condition. Once you receive all of the ebooks, print out the entire program, study and understand its contents thoroughly before purchasing this complementary ecourse.
This way, you will be better prepared to understand the contents of this information package and how best to apply it in your child’s interests
If you have any questions about the vision therapy programs, please don’t hesitate to contact me. While I am by no means a licensed medical practitioner, nor are these eye exercises meant to replace professional medical advice and/or treatment, I would like to make myself easily accessible to you for free online support pertaining to qigong training and natural health.
Practice and be well.